Peak performance
More D.A.S.H. (Distance, Accuracy, Stamina, Happiness)
Distance - Distance is governed by your swing power, which is governed by your spines ability to move.
Removing spinal restictions and thus increasing spinal flexibility is one way of maximising your swing power.
Accuracy - Accuracy is governed by your swing shape and direction, particularly at the point of contact.
Sometimes spinal fixations can prevent you from performing the swing pattern you need to be accurate.
Stamina - Your nervous system controls your whole body, not just your muscles. Aside from preventing aches and pains that will physically limit your game, a healthy spine will also enhance your lungs, heart and other organs to give more energy and vitality to your body to perform better for longer.
Happiness - Very few people step onto the golf course for anything other than enjoyment. Feeling good and playing better directly lead to happiness.
Find out below how each of these factors can be achieved. (May need to magnify)